Vent. It's vent. That word. Is. Vent.
Couple of days, perhaps a week ago, I rant about the things I've forgotten and all. Eversince that day, I've remembered practically everything.
I remembered visitting the flea market when I was younger- the thieves market.
My parents had to pick my brother up from school and afterwards we would all head our way towards the thieves market. *Side note, my brother used to school at Madrasah Al-Junied(one of the few religious school for Islam in Singapore).
Aaaah. I missed that place. My parents have stopped bringing us there when my brother decided to go to secular school instead. I've always dreamt about that flea market and the cute barbie dolls there. Damn.... I would love to go there one day, together with my family. I want to be able to say this, "Just like old times, man". Hah, I remembered consistently question myself, "where the hell is that place?" I guess, I can finally stop asking, eh? Now that, I've remembered every single details.
Frankly speaking, I'd like to write a whole full page about all this nostalgic moments. But, I'm tired. And lack of inspiration to write as well. I want to write something that will bring back those nostagic moments, so that one day, if I were to read this blog from my very first post, I can still get this weird flashback moments. Aaah. I know, I'm writing crap these days. More grammar mistakes, and everything. But, you know what? It's okay. I want to inspire many people one day. And, I will. I've made up my mind. I want to write my own biography. Go ahead, and laugh as you wish. This is only the beginning, my people. The ending? The ending will be better than what you expected. You just have to wait.
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