Thursday, November 4, 2010


I think I might suffer from Polydipsia! Most of you will think that this is a bad thing;ANY diseases/illnesses is a Bad disease/illness. But, I don't know.... This disease seems 'better' as compared to diabetes right? I don't want to have Diabetes. I'm still very young. And I seldom eat sweet stuff. D':
On the bright side..... The causes for this particular illness(Polydipsia) 'suit' me as it states; "Polydipsia is the termed used to describe an abnormal excessive thirsty feeling. Thirst is an urge to drink and drinking lots of water is recommended to maintain health."
And. YES. I have this strong urge to drink a lot of water because I am constantly THIRSTY. I know most of you might wonder why does drinking a lot of water is a bad thing. Here's the reason why; "There is a point where the extreme thirst urge may go a bit to far.  An increased thirst beyond healthy maintenance takes you into the realm of a symptom for an underlying disease, psychological issue or an environmental condition"

There are many reasons that causes this disease.
They are: Fever, Burns, Diabetes, Liver or heart or kidney failure, eating disorder, hot & dry climate, salty or spicy meal, not drinking enough water, excessive loss of water and salt and many more!
Oh my god.... I don't wanna talk anymore. I hate GOOGLE. Sometimes, what you found on Google pisses you off more than it 'helps' you. I should not Google anymore. *cross my heart*


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