Eating red beans, is like forcing myself to eat Durians. And..... I ate it. Just now. For the very first time. And that will also be my last. Screw you! Why on earth would anyone invent such a food like you?! You're hardly edible for human consumption! GOD!
Reason why I had to force myself to indulge in such a food like you because my mum was too busy and she didn't cook anything today. I was very hungry. I thought I could even die due to starvation but something caught my eyes. I saw this stack of red beans cans in the kitchen's cabinet. I've never eaten red beans before. Honestly speaking, I find it rather 'disgusting'.-At this point of time, most of you might have concluded that I am a very rude person who doesn't even know how to appreciate foods. But. I beg to differ.
I strongly disagree that I'm the type of person who doesn't appreciate food because I do appreciate it. A. Lot. That is why, I've always been very picky with what I ate. A food.... Is like a masterpiece of Art. It captures people's attention with the end result. The reasons are as obvious as it seems- everything started with just a plain of white canvas. Or for this case, simple ingredients. What matters the most is how you present it, how you make it different from any other masterpiece.... Aaaah. And red beans? I don't know.
I think reason why I decided to consume it because I was super hungry and the thought of eating red beans seemed rather 'appealing'. At this point of time, I was confused between fantasy and reality. When you're hungry, anything will appear to be delicious. Somehow, my stomach manipulates my brain into thinking that the red beans were delicious. Soon, red beans conquered my mind. I kept thinking about how delicious it would be. And before I came to realise, I've already swallowed about 5 spoonful of red beans. I seriously don't have the right vocabs to describes how I felt just now. This red beans.... Are killing me. Literally. It's DISGUSTING. Damn.... No way in hell, am I going to eat red beans again.
Peace then.
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