Tuesday, November 30, 2010


God..... Why can't life be more like a fairytale? Eventhough, the storyline are pretty much the same. Say, sad begining, then conflicts arised and so on and so forth...... At least, I know, I will get a happy ending. But, reality....... just don't do justice, do they?

Peace & Love ☮

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lee Cooper

*Clearing my throat*
So............... I got myself a new shoe. I know right? Like, finally?! I'm not really a fan of Lee Cooper, though. To be frank, I've never heard of that brand before. No, seriously. Haha. But, oh well. I hope, it's worth it. This thing cost me a fortune! So, it better be worth every cent of my money! I know, this shoe looks kinda.... boyish. But, oh well....

Oh anyways, it's late november now. Which means..... PARTY time!

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't party. I'm not saying confidently that I won't do it. 'Cause I'm not too sure myself. I hope, I won't do it, though. I don't wanna get wasted easily. I wanna be..... The 'good cop' in my family. As in, my siblings. All of my brothers are party animals. Especially, my 18 year old brother. Couple of days ago, he went to Azzura or something with his friends. He showed me pictures, and videos of them getting wasted and crap.

Envious? Hell no. -.- I find them rather stupid to be wasting their teenage life just like that. I know, I know. "We must live our lifes to the fullest" But, seriously though. That does not only apply to partying all day long. What about, other aspects? Say, education? Or... I don't know. Couple other things. And, this is what puzzle me the most. If you wanna live your life to the fullest, would you rather be with your friends? Or your family? - the one who loves you the most.

So, to all kids out there.
Take care, okay?
Life's too short, to get wasted.
Embrace the right opportunity, make full use of it. 'cause Life is just....... Priceless. It is worth more than anything in this world!

Once again, take care.
Lots of love.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

beautiful disaster

I woke up reluctantly upon hearing my dad's voice. He was nagging endlessly, disturbing my peaceful rest. Dad's not usually like this. I've known my dad forever so I can safely say that there's a hidden agenda. He nagged about all kind of stuff. Mostly, he nagged about the state of the house but there's this one particular thing that CAPTURES my attention - it makes me fuming mad. He nagged about SOCKS. Scolding me and my brothers, about not washing our own socks and how my mum had to do everything by herself. I rolled my eyes, and thought to myself. "Dude, it's already school holiday, for crying out loud!" I mean, seriously. Who needs all those socks, when you can just buy a NEW one? I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not being a spoil-brat here. But, those socks? Seriously?! You still wanna wear it? Despite knowing that there're holes EVERYWHERE?! Come'on....! Oh and, mum's not at home; she went out to do some groceries shopping for today. It's Thanksgiving day, today. But, thanks to my dad, I've already lost my appetite for the celebration.

Parents can be such a........... pain in the butt! I'm still very angry with my dad, tho.  But, deep down. I'm kinda glad he did all that. Eventhough, I'm fully aware of the hidden agenda-.-
I'm glad because he makes me realised how sinful I was towards my mum. For dumping everything at her. Not appreaciate what she has done for me. I felt bad. And guilty. Just because I'm a 21st century kid, doesn't mean I have to put aside my responsibility as a daughter, right? And, do you even know why, we have to help our mum do the household chores and everything? Imagine yourself in their shoes. Do you think it's easy to do all that by yourself? So people........... I hope you take this as a lesson learnt. All you gotta do is just stretch out your hands to offer them your help. It's not really that difficult, right people?

Please your mum, before it's too late.
Just like the malay proverb saying; Syurga di tapak kaki ibu. (:

Peace! ☮

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Am I still your friend?

Hello, there.
I just wanna share with you people, this amazing song by MIKAH LUFIAHS. The first time I watched his videos, was around 5 months ago. Anyway, I'm pretty sure most of you've heard him before. Especially those from Nanyang Poly. While others might've heard him through facebook and all kinds of social networks, because he's AMAZING!(Y)
But, if you haven't, it'll be great, if you actually heard it from me. 'cause I'm his NUMBER 1 fan.
You know why I like this guy so much? He's funny, talented and most importantly he's REAL. I love his originals so much. I bet, you too, will fall in love with his original songs. Better yet, some of you will even fall in love with Mikah himself. Yes. He's that AWESOME.

So well, here's goes.

Just listen, okay?:D (or, if you're impatient, then just skip to 2:54 -.-)


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Better watch out!!!!!!!!!

You better watch out,
Yeah! You better run!
You'know why?
'cause Santa Claus is coming to town!

Haha. I can't wait for Christmas! And, so does my first brother, apparently. Why? His engagement day falls on 25th December too! Lucky fella!


Friday, November 19, 2010

I almost died.....

From the hour you're born you begin to die. But between birth and death there's life.- Shakespeare

I was soundly asleep in the morning - it was peaceful.  The peace was then disrupted by my brother. All of a sudden, my brother began shouting. Everything seemed so blurry just now. Moreover, my brother wrapped a towel around his face, which strangely resembles one of the malay ghosts. I opened my eyes and upon seeing my brother, which I thought was a ghost, I began screaming like nobody's business. I began reciting some prayers and I mentioned God's name a lot of time too. My heart was pumping wildly, I thought I could just die. Then, my brother slowly calm me down. Apparently, after successfully done that, he broke into fits of laughter and kept saying, "You should've seen your face, man!" and "I should have record this!" =.=

Even though, sharing this in my blog, might actually kill me out of humiliation, I seriously urge each and everyone of you out there, to stop doing this kind of pranks. This kind of thing can actually caused somebody's life. One perfect example, would be me! But then again, it takes two to tango. As for this case, I couldn't blame entirely on my brother because I was partly 'responsible' for that near death experience. It is due to the insufficient amount of sleep I had. Anyways.... Please don't do that crazy pranks anymore. You might laugh and think I'm just exaggerating but I am NOT. This thing is serious; people can DIE just because of those pranks!

                                  DIE BECAUSE OF SILLY PRANKS?! HOW?

This is because our autonomic nervous system uses the hormone adrenaline(or chemical messengers) to

send signals to various parts of the body to activate the fight-or-flight response - acute stress response. This chemical is toxic in large amounts; it damages the visceral (internal) organs such as our heart! And when our heart is flooded with too much adrenaline, calcium ions will rush into the heart cells and this causes the heart muscle to contract and can't relax. The heart can also go into abnormal rhythms, which are set by the Purkinje fibre, that are not compatible with life and if one of those is triggered, YOU will DIE!

See, how this kind of prank is not doing any of us a favour?  Side note, you can be jailed because of this!-Just kidding! Wait. No. I'm not so sure about that. Haha. Sorry to disappoint you, but I think it's safer if you don't engage yourself in that kind of situation. Okay people:DD

Ps; I am still the same old me. I've not changed into a genius overnight. I did my homeworks and  I found all those information(about "DIE BECAUSE OF SILLY PRANKS?! HOW?")at this website. So do read more, if you're interested. Basically, I just copy paste and rephrase certain words and  summarise it to make it shorter.

Oh another ps;  It's not about "die because of silly pranks". It's about "can a person be scared to death". I changed it to suit my story.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

midnight rush

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I hate school holidays because school holidays = FATS & INSOMNIA.

So, this will be a reminder for myself.
Starting tomorrow, I WILL.........

-TAKE THINGS SERIOUSLY(especially job interviews. As I've failed to attend most of the job interviews.)
-START STUDYING!('cause 2011 will be the year that will determine my future)
-Wakeup at 8AM!(I've been waking up at 2 pm-.-)
And the list goes on..........

Apparently, all this task can't be accomplish in just one solid day. I've to do it one at a time but.... let's keep our fingers crossed and hopefully everything will run smoothly, eh?:D


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dedication to Billy

Hey there, Billy.
Your mother must be Silly.
'cause you look like a pussy,
But, you act like a wussy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mum bought me 2 new dress yesterday. And this time, it's not BLACK! She bought two decent looking dress-es for me-white and brown. Aaaah. I've way too many dress-es. For once, I want something different.
Gosh. What is wrong with me? Hahah.
When I was in secondary one, my fashion concept used to be Indie-rock because back then, indie-rock rules the world(like the shawls and stuff). Then, when I was in secondary two, my fashion concept changes to urban-chic/vintage. Early this year, I'm into masculine-feminine 'looks'. Like, the blazer + dress and so on. Then now...... I'm into masculine looks.

Kay peace☮

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vent. It's vent. That word. Is. Vent.
Couple of days, perhaps a week ago, I rant about the things I've forgotten and all. Eversince that day, I've remembered practically everything.
I remembered visitting the flea market when I was younger- the thieves market.
My parents had to pick my brother up from school and afterwards we would all head our way towards the thieves market. *Side note, my brother used to school at Madrasah Al-Junied(one of the few religious school for Islam in Singapore).
Aaaah. I missed that place. My parents have stopped bringing us there when my brother decided to go to secular school instead. I've always dreamt about that flea market and the cute barbie dolls there. Damn.... I would love to go there one day, together with my family. I want to be able to say this, "Just like old times, man". Hah, I remembered consistently question myself, "where the hell is that place?" I guess, I can finally stop asking, eh? Now that, I've remembered every single details.

Frankly speaking, I'd like to write a whole full page about all this nostalgic moments. But, I'm tired. And lack of inspiration to write as well. I want to write something that will bring back those nostagic moments, so that one day, if I were to read this blog from my very first post, I can still get this weird flashback moments. Aaah. I know, I'm writing crap these days. More grammar mistakes, and everything. But, you know what? It's okay. I want to inspire many people one day. And, I will. I've made up my mind. I want to write my own biography. Go ahead, and laugh as you wish. This is only the beginning, my people. The ending? The ending will be better than what you expected. You just have to wait.

Monday, November 8, 2010


After browsing through the photo album, I felt something. Something different. Something that comes from deep within me. Something that shouts, "I missed the old me!".

Back then, I used to resent myself, when my parents scolded me(because I wet my bed and etc). I never understood why they did that and why they punished me. So I keep on praying, hoping one day, I'll finally understand the reasons. I'll pray profusely, hoping one day, I can finally stop my parents from scolding me. Little did I know, new obstacles and new problems arised each day. I was confused. "Why are the problems getting bigger and bigger?" "Why am I making mistakes?" I thought, if I grow up faster, all the problems will disappear into thin air. But. I was wrong. I keep making mistakes unknowingly. Without fail, I keep on praying, hoping all of these will end by the time I grow up.

And now..... I've finally understood the reasons. The reasons why my parents scolded me- they were afraid I might repeat the same mistakes again. In fact, reasons why any parents scolded their kids is purely because of that. I'd do the same too, because I don't want my kid to end up being a spoilt brat or become a laughing stock for making such mistakes when they grow up. And now. I've finally realised, making mistakes is part and parcel of life. It's inevitable. Each and everyone of us, had to go through this, whether we like or not. I might have some problems now, such as frequent breakouts, heartbreaks, schools and so on, but it's okay. I'm a strong person.

“The past is behind, learn from it.
The future is ahead, prepare for it.

The present is here, live it.”


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Red beans

Eating red beans, is like forcing myself to eat Durians. And..... I ate it. Just now. For the very first time. And that will also be my last. Screw you! Why on earth would anyone invent such a food like you?! You're hardly edible for human consumption! GOD!

Reason why I had to force myself to indulge in such a food like you because my mum was too busy and she didn't cook anything today. I was very hungry. I thought I could even die due to starvation but something caught my eyes. I saw this stack of red beans cans in the kitchen's cabinet. I've never eaten red beans before. Honestly speaking, I find it rather 'disgusting'.-At this point of time, most of you might have concluded that I am a very rude person who doesn't even know how to appreciate foods. But. I beg to differ.

I strongly disagree that I'm the type of person who doesn't appreciate food because I do appreciate it. A. Lot. That is why, I've always been very picky with what I ate. A food.... Is like a masterpiece of Art. It captures people's attention with the end result. The reasons are as obvious as it seems- everything started with just a plain of white canvas. Or for this case, simple ingredients. What matters the most is how you present it, how you make it different from any other masterpiece....  Aaaah. And red beans? I don't know.

I think reason why I decided to consume it because I was super hungry and the thought of eating red beans seemed rather 'appealing'. At this point of time, I was confused between fantasy and reality. When you're hungry, anything will appear to be delicious. Somehow, my stomach manipulates my brain into thinking that the red beans were delicious. Soon, red beans conquered my mind. I kept thinking about how delicious it would be. And before I came to realise, I've already swallowed about 5 spoonful of red beans. I seriously don't have the right vocabs to describes how I felt just now. This red beans.... Are killing me. Literally. It's DISGUSTING. Damn.... No way in hell, am I going to eat red beans again.

Peace then.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The thirst hunt are finally over. Jyeah. I think I exaggerated a lot yesterday. I experienced a short term Polydipsia. This is due to the hot climate, not drinking enough and yes eating salty food.

Let me refresh your memory. I've been taking Sport Events Management for the last 3 days and this coming Monday will be my last day in Republic Polytechnic. It's a 5 day course and our participation will be reflected in our School Graduation Certificate upon graduating and performace will be graded based on assessment criteria set by the polytechnic.

Moreover, this AEMS grade can then be used as additional consideration by higher institution during the Joint Polytechnic Special Admission Exercise and for Direct Polytechnic Admission. Personally, I think Rp is a very good institution for learning.
Condusive environment + only 25 students per class=study better.
And, kudos for Rp's hospitality. Such as, providing us with the food and beverages also the laptops, markers and mahjong papers for us to do our presentation(proposal).
The foods were delicious! The only complain, some of it were OILY = as a result, more breakouts for me D': and thirst hunting.

Plus point, Rp is very near to where I am staying. As my house is situated at Woodland/Marsiling, I chose to walk there rather than taking the transport = SAVE $$. ;D hee.
So.... Why am I complaining? The weather are unseasonably hot. And most of you will know this factor-almost all the places in Rp are air-conditioned. Like, the canteen(the one situated at W4 and so on.) Basically, my body's not used to the environment change. (Going in and out.)
Other than that, REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC rules the world! So, if you want to pursue your education at tertiary level, I urge you to choose RP as your number one choice. Trust me, RP's the best.

Peace and love.


I think I might suffer from Polydipsia! Most of you will think that this is a bad thing;ANY diseases/illnesses is a Bad disease/illness. But, I don't know.... This disease seems 'better' as compared to diabetes right? I don't want to have Diabetes. I'm still very young. And I seldom eat sweet stuff. D':
On the bright side..... The causes for this particular illness(Polydipsia) 'suit' me as it states; "Polydipsia is the termed used to describe an abnormal excessive thirsty feeling. Thirst is an urge to drink and drinking lots of water is recommended to maintain health."
And. YES. I have this strong urge to drink a lot of water because I am constantly THIRSTY. I know most of you might wonder why does drinking a lot of water is a bad thing. Here's the reason why; "There is a point where the extreme thirst urge may go a bit to far.  An increased thirst beyond healthy maintenance takes you into the realm of a symptom for an underlying disease, psychological issue or an environmental condition"

There are many reasons that causes this disease.
They are: Fever, Burns, Diabetes, Liver or heart or kidney failure, eating disorder, hot & dry climate, salty or spicy meal, not drinking enough water, excessive loss of water and salt and many more!
Oh my god.... I don't wanna talk anymore. I hate GOOGLE. Sometimes, what you found on Google pisses you off more than it 'helps' you. I should not Google anymore. *cross my heart*


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I think..... I just died

I don't know why I'm like dehydrated nowadays... I am constantly THIRSTY. I think, I lack of minerals. But, I've already replenished my thirst by drinking A LOT of mineral water. Gahh............ Something is wrong with me.... WHY DO I FEEL THIRSTY ALL THE TIME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kay peace!
Much love from me to.....MYSELF.
☮& ♥

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I take back my words...
I'M IN LOVE WITH RP ONCE AGAIN! YAY. Kay. Full stop. No elaboration.

Here's something I'd like to share with yall. My target audience will be the young and young at hearts. Trust me, this video is super funny! Not only that, you will also get to see JAY PARK(former 2PM)! I know right?! Awesome much?! Jyeahhh! <3

Kay. Till then.
Peace and love.
☮ & ♥

Ps; I don't even know who's this Jay Park guy 'cause I'm so not one of those KPOP fan. So..... I did a little research, out of curiousity 'cause I saw the comments below and many of them was like going gaga and Big F about Jay Park appearing in that video.
Anw, I googled Jay Park's name and the wikipedia told me everything :))

Monday, November 1, 2010

A day like this

I was more than fortunate to be able to wake up at around 8 plus in the morning TODAY! You know why?! I have CLASS today at RP. I'm taking Sport and Event Management course for 5 days. I repeat, 5 DAYS! Haha. No. I'm SERIOUS.
The course was actually pretty fun and all, but it's DAMN challenging and I hate it! And, I believe most of you will know this by now..... I hate doing POWERPOINT slides. Imagine, every now and then, you have to do presentation. Like, WTH? Doing research and all was never my forte.

I went to town with my dearest mum yesterday.
To support my brother's company, Subaru. Jyeah. He's a technician there

I wore this dress which my dearest mum just bought it for me YESTERDAY.^^ Hee.

I can never be a model.......
I don't even know how to pose! Haha.
Okay people.
I need to get some rest. Tomorrow gonna be a tedious school day for me.
Much love....