I wish................the wish I had wished came true.(Haha. Serious.)
I want to bottle this feeling.-This happy, overwhelming great feeling. Knowing somebody cares and loves. This sentiment doesnt come often in life, so time to cherish it.
Perm hair!!!!!! Hahaha. I'm so in love with her man! Oh yea. I'm bisexual. Why? Any problem with that? Hee^^
Oh yea...... My dearest FARHANA edited my pictures! Haha. She's damn random sey. But thanks anyway. Haha. Okay. Here goes my pictures~
Arz Shay~

Oh well.......
I was staring at the ceiling and thought, what if one day, we've gotten everything we wanted, and dreamt of, have the money, have the food on the table, the everything.. what would we be then? will we turn to nothing?
Evaporate into thin air and eventually be just dust in the wind that has accomplished its goal in fulfilling its own goals.
What're we going to do when we have it all?-Nothing to appreciate anymore. Sometimes, I think nothing really matters. We all live, and then die in the end. but as the saying goes;
born to blossom, bloom to perish.
Which also means we will somewhat get to the peak of our lives, and die out. But we can't live so perfectly like some flower blooming away and wilting beautifully. We have errors too. I realised I've made lots of mistakes in life, but doesn't everybody?
One more chance............ Please?
Good day everybody.
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