Thursday, October 28, 2010


It's nearing 2a.m in the morning, and I'm still wide awake. There's something bugging me. And, no. Not really because of that late night movies, which I created every midnight and pretty addicted by it-okay. It does play a part but it does NOT play a MAJOR role in this situation.

So here's the deal..... I'm becoming forgetful. Not that it matters, actually. Wait. I take back those words, 'cause it does. I hate being forgetful. It makes me feel..... unease. It makes me try so hard to remember what I forget. It's like...... 'I remembered that I forget about this particular thing, I just don't remember what it is.' that kind of thing, you know? Erm.... Are you following? I know, that sentence is grammatically unsound, but trust me, it ain't easy explaining at all. But.... That's exactly how I feel. Urgh. This is stupid.

I forget some stuff I used to say.... Like favourite words. Something I should remember. Hey. Wait. I remembered one stuff. A two words malay poetry which I created, out of anger. It's kinda 'chim'. But. I don't know how to finish it. "Ketidakadilan membelenggu....." So. Yay. Writing does help a lot. So. I remembered one thing. Okay. I need to remember few other things. You see. I know I forget about something, I just don't remember what's that thing call or whatever(similar grammatically unsound sentence). It's like..... A missing piece of jig-saw puzzle. I've already figured out most of the pieces, but then again. What's the use of all that when I still couldn't find that one missing piece. The picture makes no sense at all. It's like painting Monalisa but with no face. Okay. That sentence is way off.

Anyways..... There's this word.... Not my favourite word. But, it's just frustrating to actually forget something. I know the definition of that particular word but I forget what's that word. I used it a lot when I was in a relationship. Not literally the word. It's like..... You're having a bad day then you just dump it at someone innocent. What's that word? "I'm sorry... I (insert blank) my anger at you. Ahh. Crap. This will take forever.

You know what.
I'll get back to you tomorrow. Or rather...One day. When I've finally figured out what's that word and a few other things that I forget.

Okay. Peace. ☮

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