I am blogging to express my deepest disappointment regarding this one particular malay teacher name M. I know I'm going to fail my malay oral the moment I saw her making her way towards the appointed seat. So, cut the story short, I screw up my malay oral. Which is so UNLIKE me. Trust me, I am good at conversation, I even taught an old friend of mine how to converse good malay. He even scored DISTINCTION for O level oral examination.
You know, I tried to put my anger, hatred and burning ego aside and just get the thing done and over with. Upon finishing reading the passage, she then asked me the conversation topic,
''Pernahkah awak melakukan kerja kemasyarakatan? Nyatakan pengalaman awak.''
I thought for awhile and finally after having the script well rehearsed in my head, I started my sentence with this,
''Saya rasa sebagai pelajar ya, kita sudah pun terdedah dengan kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan.....''
Then, I stopped. 'cause I looked at her ****** face. And...... she said this,
''Saya ulangi soalan itu sekali lagi........ Pernah kah...........''
And this is what pisses me off.-
''Okay. Sebelum itu, awak tahu tidak apa maknanya kemasyarakatan?''
The word 'fuck' spontaneously came out of my mouth upon hearing that. I felt so insulted! I stood up and said, ''aaaah. Buat bodoh ah!'' before making my way out. I clenched my fist tight and marched towards the open door.
I tear up a bit, and felt horrible.-TOWARDS myself. I know I am good at it, but I screw up just because I hated that **** teacher. And then I smiled and said to myself, ''it's okay.'' 'cause I know I'm good at it and could have scored distinction if it was a different teacher. I scored 38/40 the last time round and was the highest in class. So, SCREW YOU, M!
Kay peace. ☮
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