I watched YOG SOCCER MATCH today. GIRLS TEAM, baby! I watched two matches.
First was, papua new guinea vs Iran.(Iran won!!! ;D)
Next was, trinidad and tobogo vs equatorial guinea.(the guinea won)
Okay, so.... The start of the day was pretty bad. I found out about something and due to that unforeseen circumstances, I couldn't continue fasting. To cut the story short, it crumbles the day down. So, went Rp feeling moody and all. Afterwards, at Jalan Besar Stadium someone pisses me off. (Insertname) was a jackass and I couldn't contain my anger any longer so started hurling vulgarities at (Insertname) and friend.
Had lots of fun with RIZQINA! It's been a long time since we two had a heart-to-heart talk. And trust me, I think we are the most 'kecoh' yet super friendly people there. As per normal, guys would start asking for numbers and stuff-.- Typical malay guy. tsk
Oooooh~ By the way

We made friends with the YOG volunteers. They are from Sjc or something.
AND THIS PICTURE..................................
Three words: WHAT THE HELL?
Hahahah. That guy is NOT bangladesh guy okay! hahah. He's from Papua New Guinea. But, he creeps the hell out of me. I was SHOCKED when he hugs me. EEEEEEEEW. hahah. Damn. There goes my virgin hug(? Righhhhhhhhht~)
Yeah yeah, pretty much that's all.
Oh yah, to erm, (insertname), I am sorry for hurling vulgarities at you and your friend.
(People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.- Yeah, I know.)
And to, SAF AND AMIN, thank YOU so much for being such a great friends.
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