I started the day feeling moody and exhausted. On my way to school, a stranger approached me. He said, 'Sorry.' Well, I stopped 'cause I thought he was asking for direction. So, I waited for him to ask me for direction. Except, it didn't turned out that way.You know what he said? He said this, ''Sorry eh. Mase tu awak tegur saya, saya tk layan.'' Which meant, ''Sorry I ignored you the other day.'' I looked at him and trust me, I don't even know that guy! He wore this creepy look on his face and in my head was like, 'who the f are you, man!'' Without hesitation, I just walked away. Without uttering a single word to him. That was the very first time I did that to anyone. And, when I was inside the mrt train, another strange thing happened to me. I was sms-ing my friend about the incident. I don't know why, I felt uneasy so I looked up to see an old man, around his late 40s, staring at me. And started humming some ancient song. Seriously man. Can the day gets any worse than this?
Apparently, no.
It's friday night, and I painted my nails black. I went out with a few awesome friends to rp. The results for band competiton will be up at 10pm. So, being vain, I wore this gorgeous cocktail dress with a blazer=masculine-feminine.

On the left, Assyakirin. My sec one junior. When we reached there, we saw him alone. So, decided to ask him to tag along with us. And on the right, will be ADILLAH.

So, overall. I felt great. And at the end of the day, I felt like wonder woman!
Goodnight people.
Love you!
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