Freaky Friday today. I am angry, and the anger will get the better of me. I don't know why I'm supposed to face all this. It's like someone literally stab me from the back. I felt betrayed. I felt cheated. I felt stupid. But, mostly, I felt pain. Endless pain.
You remind me of a poem I can't remember, a place I've never been to, and a song that may have never existed.
I've heard it all, seen it all, done it all... I just don't remember any of it.
But...... I still remember you. Something, I've been longing to forget.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I had a long day today. I was tired and sleepy, thanks to my sleepless flightless dumb wasted night. What was I doing anyway? Oh yeah, staring at the ceiling, thinking LOUDLY. Haha.
Anyways, I cut my hair again. This time, some of you, will remember this signature look.
Boyish hairstyles again! :)

NO WAY in hell am I going to let that happen again!
(Ps; I don't think so any of you actually buy it right? As in, believe that I really cut my hair. )
So, mission failed. :(
Peace people.☮
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
my oh my
Didn't attend school today-due to unforeseen circumstances.
I'd be LATE if I were to attend school today. And, would have gotten my very first pink form for the year. But, trust me people. I didn't really give up that easily. Know why? Honestly speaking, I took the effort to get myself ready for school. Afterwards, the bus LEFT me so I waited for the next to come. I knew straight away that I was late for school. I looked at my watch(my handphone, to be precise, since I'm not wearing any.) and it was already 6:58am. I am, without doubt, late for school. But, I still waited for the next 913 bus. Cut the story short, upon reaching the destination, my stomach decided to act up. And, I told my mum, I couldn't proceed to school in that state. I'd be miserable if my stomach decided to act up every 5 freaking minutes. So erm, jyeah. Believe it, or not. But, I'm telling the truth. I swear. Upon my own blog.Peace people☮
Monday, July 26, 2010
Life is more like a straight line now-rotting & rotting.
Serious breakdown. I have limits, step on them and I crumble to dust. Times like this, the only person I can ever turn to, is nobody. NOBODY. I'm in a dilemma. Someone, anyone, everyone, help me please?
Today was another wasted day. I don't know what to do. My mind was practically blank the whole time. The start of the day went PRETTY well. Jyeah. If you considered walking to school, wet, drenched, is pretty, so be it. And, right now....... I wanna puke.
But, hey! On the bright side, I did quite okay for my essay! I'm okay with 20/30. I will get better marks in future. I just need to maintain this 20 something marks all the way until O's. I seriously love the title, 'Waiting'. Ideas keep on flowing when I write this essay. Hmm.... I will share with you guys that essay I wrote one day. I don't feel like typing a lot right now, perhaps some other time k people?
Oh and, I must say I find it quite offensive when my english teacher didn't believe that I did it all by myself. She thought somebody help me. Question is, WHO?! Tsk. But, hey........ I always look at it in a positive point of view. That could only mean one thing. I'm good. Heh. Almost.
Okay people.
Enjoy suffering.
Don't worry. I'm suffering with you, :))
Serious breakdown. I have limits, step on them and I crumble to dust. Times like this, the only person I can ever turn to, is nobody. NOBODY. I'm in a dilemma. Someone, anyone, everyone, help me please?
Today was another wasted day. I don't know what to do. My mind was practically blank the whole time. The start of the day went PRETTY well. Jyeah. If you considered walking to school, wet, drenched, is pretty, so be it. And, right now....... I wanna puke.
But, hey! On the bright side, I did quite okay for my essay! I'm okay with 20/30. I will get better marks in future. I just need to maintain this 20 something marks all the way until O's. I seriously love the title, 'Waiting'. Ideas keep on flowing when I write this essay. Hmm.... I will share with you guys that essay I wrote one day. I don't feel like typing a lot right now, perhaps some other time k people?
Oh and, I must say I find it quite offensive when my english teacher didn't believe that I did it all by myself. She thought somebody help me. Question is, WHO?! Tsk. But, hey........ I always look at it in a positive point of view. That could only mean one thing. I'm good. Heh. Almost.
Okay people.
Enjoy suffering.
Don't worry. I'm suffering with you, :))
Friday, July 23, 2010
The stranger
I started the day feeling moody and exhausted. On my way to school, a stranger approached me. He said, 'Sorry.' Well, I stopped 'cause I thought he was asking for direction. So, I waited for him to ask me for direction. Except, it didn't turned out that way.You know what he said? He said this, ''Sorry eh. Mase tu awak tegur saya, saya tk layan.'' Which meant, ''Sorry I ignored you the other day.'' I looked at him and trust me, I don't even know that guy! He wore this creepy look on his face and in my head was like, 'who the f are you, man!'' Without hesitation, I just walked away. Without uttering a single word to him. That was the very first time I did that to anyone. And, when I was inside the mrt train, another strange thing happened to me. I was sms-ing my friend about the incident. I don't know why, I felt uneasy so I looked up to see an old man, around his late 40s, staring at me. And started humming some ancient song. Seriously man. Can the day gets any worse than this?
Apparently, no.
It's friday night, and I painted my nails black. I went out with a few awesome friends to rp. The results for band competiton will be up at 10pm. So, being vain, I wore this gorgeous cocktail dress with a blazer=masculine-feminine.

On the left, Assyakirin. My sec one junior. When we reached there, we saw him alone. So, decided to ask him to tag along with us. And on the right, will be ADILLAH.

So, overall. I felt great. And at the end of the day, I felt like wonder woman!
Goodnight people.
Love you!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
F it
Aaaaah~ Nostalgia man. This song is a legend! I first heard this song when I was in mid school.
Anyways............. It's pouring outside. And pretty much, that's how I feel right now. A mixture of all elements. Fire, water, air and....erm. Basically, it's just a mixture of anger and sadness. So, I take back my words. Just a mixture of fire and water. Why fire? The thunder symbolises the anger. The anger within me-that is waiting to erupt. Water symbolises the sadness. The sadness that erm....... erm. Y'know what? Forget it. I'm not in the mood to write a proper post today. So erm. Yeah.

An ugly 'biyatch' stold my husband's heart.
Can't you see? He's a perfect match for me?
Just one word, ten!
Damnit! There are billions of guys out there, why must you choose him?! Arseholes.
There goes my love story, breaking into tiny little pieces. (Ps; I will STEAL him back! Hmph!)
I am currently plotting my revenge right now.
So erm.
Love you people.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Time after time
Any and everything else is futile right now. I hereby pronounce my hands up in the air, knees on the ground. Giving up. Has never been so difficult.
Well..... These are the times you fall from a never ending sky and reach out, too weak to scream, strength left to hold on, but nothing to grasp, and nowhere to land. You just keep falling, enjoying the fear of what you'll meet along the way.
These are also the times where your vision is slow, clear, but slow, and everyone's moving lips devastate you. Nothing fits but everything seems so right. Fighting hard, when you've already lost. Still fighting.
But, I'm so tired of fighting. For something that's no longer exist.
I am now proudly waving the white flag. I. Give. Up.
But, I know..... Things happened for a reason. And, I believed. This is karma.
Okay people.
Well..... These are the times you fall from a never ending sky and reach out, too weak to scream, strength left to hold on, but nothing to grasp, and nowhere to land. You just keep falling, enjoying the fear of what you'll meet along the way.
These are also the times where your vision is slow, clear, but slow, and everyone's moving lips devastate you. Nothing fits but everything seems so right. Fighting hard, when you've already lost. Still fighting.
But, I'm so tired of fighting. For something that's no longer exist.
I am now proudly waving the white flag. I. Give. Up.
But, I know..... Things happened for a reason. And, I believed. This is karma.
Okay people.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Anyone miss me? Yes, no, maybe?
My life is becoming pointless and useless that I don't really feel the need of writing it down. I'm tired around people, I'm tired alone. I don't even know what I want. No, no that's a BIG FAT lie. I know exactly what I want. I want to be the centre of one person, just one person's attention. I don't need a group or a class or a whole stadium. No, I just want one person. Nobody will admit wanting attention. Well, nobody but me. I've been fighting whatever emotions because I don't want to be weak, but I need to cry and mourn and sob over things too, but I'm just not given a chance. I still want somebody to pat me on the back and show me some hope, I want to be blindfolded and brought to a place I don't usually go. I want excitement, days are getting old and rusty and humdrum. but that's all a want. Without them I'd still live. I don't suffer physically, I get it all, literally. But inside, I'm poor, I'm lost. The world felt like it was spinning around me, I felt giddy and nauseous. I wanted to be alone. And when I'm alone I want to be with people.

Okay then.
Anyone miss me? Yes, no, maybe?
My life is becoming pointless and useless that I don't really feel the need of writing it down. I'm tired around people, I'm tired alone. I don't even know what I want. No, no that's a BIG FAT lie. I know exactly what I want. I want to be the centre of one person, just one person's attention. I don't need a group or a class or a whole stadium. No, I just want one person. Nobody will admit wanting attention. Well, nobody but me. I've been fighting whatever emotions because I don't want to be weak, but I need to cry and mourn and sob over things too, but I'm just not given a chance. I still want somebody to pat me on the back and show me some hope, I want to be blindfolded and brought to a place I don't usually go. I want excitement, days are getting old and rusty and humdrum. but that's all a want. Without them I'd still live. I don't suffer physically, I get it all, literally. But inside, I'm poor, I'm lost. The world felt like it was spinning around me, I felt giddy and nauseous. I wanted to be alone. And when I'm alone I want to be with people.

Okay then.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hello people.
Basically, this post will be moody and boring and everything. So, feel free to not read this post.
I watched world cup just now. And, I fell asleep at around nearing 5am. Yep. I didn't get to see Spain scoring a goal and winning the world cup. The match was such a drag. Like, too much drama. Anyways.... It's kind of a good thing ah, 'cause I'll be too depressed and despairing if I were to witness Spain winning the world cup. Damn you, Spain! Oh yeah, I woke up at a freaking 5:50am. Had a wardrobe malfunction. Wore a striking yellow bra. Which, I think is quite visible for people to see. And, didn't really paid attention in class due to sleep deprivation. Oh and, WELCOME PANDA EYES. Felt kinda shagged. As a matter of fact, I LOOKED shagged.
So, jyeah.
Love you people.
An utter bullshit.
From me
To you. :D Arseholes
Basically, this post will be moody and boring and everything. So, feel free to not read this post.
I watched world cup just now. And, I fell asleep at around nearing 5am. Yep. I didn't get to see Spain scoring a goal and winning the world cup. The match was such a drag. Like, too much drama. Anyways.... It's kind of a good thing ah, 'cause I'll be too depressed and despairing if I were to witness Spain winning the world cup. Damn you, Spain! Oh yeah, I woke up at a freaking 5:50am. Had a wardrobe malfunction. Wore a striking yellow bra. Which, I think is quite visible for people to see. And, didn't really paid attention in class due to sleep deprivation. Oh and, WELCOME PANDA EYES. Felt kinda shagged. As a matter of fact, I LOOKED shagged.
So, jyeah.
Love you people.
An utter bullshit.
From me
To you. :D Arseholes
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wonder why I show this picture, or rather for this case, poster?
I watched this movie just now-at movie online. And man, this movie sucks! In fact, the real Avatar is WAY better than this fake Avatar. You know why? 1stly, they pronounced Aang as ANG. Like.... WHAT THE WHAT? And 2ndly, Aang wasn't adorable and funny. Seriously, man. The writing, casting, directing, acting, music, makeup and editing are so horridly done I would have been very very upset to have wasted my nearing 10bucks to see this freaking lame movie in the theatre! Overall, this movie was a major disappointment to me. The effects wasn't that great too. You'know, if you were to compare this movie with X-men, I'd have to say X-men is obviously 100 times better than this! Even STORM 'created' the wind better as compared to Aang in this particular movie. Personally, I think the animated series is way better and mature than this freaking horrible movie. Anyone, wants to differ?

I miss this cute aang. Do you?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It was a typical thursday today. Lessons were dry and students were dying. Y'know why? GERMANY didn't make it to the FINAL! And that spot was viciously taken by SPAIN. What the hell?! Germany's the best, man! YOU'RE A RETARD IF YOU DISAGREE TO THAT STATEMENT. I'm really crossing my fingers right now, praying harder than before, hoping that SPAIN won't be the world cup champion. Honestly, I have nothing against them. But that was BEFORE they made GERMANY walk away in shame and despair after losing to them. Okay...... That was ridiculously funny of me to be talking about football/soccer. Haha. Well, soccer fever seems to be spreading its disease to me, and I don't think so I can be cure. I'm currently having this fever since like, I don't know when.

Okay then.
Peace people!☮
And you know you love me too.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I love my people
TRUE! Haha.
Behind all those joy and happiness lies a darkness within me.
I watched LOVING ANNABELLE just now....
It's a great story. It's about forbidden love. LESBIAN LOVE. Feel free to watch it. You can either watch it at movie online or youtube. Okay. Being a little bit horny, I kept 'replay-ing' the making out part. Hmm......

Let's be gay, shall we?(happy? >.<)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Tags reply....
asyiqin: nice hair!
-Nice hair? Sure not? Are you complimenting my old hair or my current hairstyles?
Iffah :): never tell me , I thought natural curl sia . Walaowhey =....=
-Huh? No. What I meant was, many ppl thought I perm my hair last time. Ok ah. I did use the curl thong for raya last year. But, that doesnt really count, does it?
Iffah :): Haha , take lah I don`t want Taylor L . I want Jacob Black , hot , sexy werewolf Anyway , you still look good even when you cut your hair lurh , I didn`t know you perm your hair . Cheeky sey ,
-NOOOOOOOOOOO. NEVER PERM HAIR MY DEAR!!! Thanks anw. Talylor is my hubby.... I've been very supportive of his career as an actor. The charactor Jacob Black? I know, he looks vv hot. I kept telling him that. ;)
Syafiqah: heyy , still preety lar babe xDD always (: tag .
-Are you sure? I find that hard to believe sey. Haiyoh. But, thanks ah anws..... :D
Thanks..... for giving me the boost of confidence I need.
Really appreciate it a lot.
asyiqin: nice hair!
-Nice hair? Sure not? Are you complimenting my old hair or my current hairstyles?
Iffah :): never tell me , I thought natural curl sia . Walaowhey =....=
-Huh? No. What I meant was, many ppl thought I perm my hair last time. Ok ah. I did use the curl thong for raya last year. But, that doesnt really count, does it?
Iffah :): Haha , take lah I don`t want Taylor L . I want Jacob Black , hot , sexy werewolf Anyway , you still look good even when you cut your hair lurh , I didn`t know you perm your hair . Cheeky sey ,
-NOOOOOOOOOOO. NEVER PERM HAIR MY DEAR!!! Thanks anw. Talylor is my hubby.... I've been very supportive of his career as an actor. The charactor Jacob Black? I know, he looks vv hot. I kept telling him that. ;)
Syafiqah: heyy , still preety lar babe xDD always (: tag .
-Are you sure? I find that hard to believe sey. Haiyoh. But, thanks ah anws..... :D
Thanks..... for giving me the boost of confidence I need.
Really appreciate it a lot.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I know, I know!
Hello people!
Alright. That was me about 5 hours ago.......

And sorry people!
This is me.....after cutting my hair, 5 hours ago.
Damn it! I think, I lost my 'curl'. My hair looks horrible man! Now, nobody is going to praise my hair anymore! There's only one things I'm very proud about myself. My hair. Come on.... My hair, is like my tiara. Infact, BETTER. I want my curl back! Now, it looks more like...... I don't know. Wavy.? I bet, no one will ever wanna look at my hair. Many people thought I had my old hair permed, because of its unique curl and my soft straight fringe. Right now.......... I look so average. No..... I think I look so ugly. Just look at the picture above. Ugly right? Oh and..... It sucks. I couldn't, or rather, my mum couldn't do any
'experiments' with my hair anymore. Okay, she could. But, it will be limited. In terms of styling my hair and everything.
Peace people☮
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